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AD: Personal Recommendation on upcoming Teleclass!Views: 271
Feb 24, 2009 1:43 am AD: Personal Recommendation on upcoming Teleclass!

Susan McCool
Hello TBCers,

When I heard that my friend Janice Bastani was putting together an affordable 4-month teleclass to teach people that couldn’t normally afford her coaching on the power of Emotional Intelligence and how it affects your personal and professional success, I knew I had to tell you!

See, we all have this innate ability to tap into our Emotional Intelligence to assist us in making the RIGHT decision every time. Decisions that will lead us to success. We are all born with the ability to be successful.

I know, Emotional Intelligence isn’t a term you hear everyday. So, I looked up the definition for you…

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence:
Emotional Intelligence (EI), often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), describes a concept that involves the ability, capacity, skill or (in the case of the trait EI model) a self-perceived ability, to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups[1]. Because it is a relatively new area of psychological research, the concept is constantly changing.

From http://catalystconsultingpartners.com/glossary.html:
Emotional intelligence (EI) is one of the most important ideas to hit the business world in recent years. It is based on the notion that the ability of managers to understand their own emotions, and those of the people they work with, is the key to better business performance.

So you may be wondering, “Who is Janice Bastani!”

Janice is a Professional Credentialed Coach with the International Coach Federation. She holds additional credentials in Emotional Intelligence and Energy Leadership. Bastani's coaching company, Focus Coaching, specializes in the areas of Emotional Intelligence and Energy Leadership. Her 34 years in the corporate arena, has led to the development of programs which are well suited to the rising executive as well as the seasoned executive who is faced with the prospects of a team which has gaps in its training and skill set.

I know Janice, personally, and she has never before given this kind of opportunity to gain her knowledge at such low prices. And since knowing her (and working with her), I’ve learned so much about Emotional Intelligence through her writings and conversations with her. Its mind blowing how much EI affects us in our everyday life, both personally and professionally. It governs how we spend our days (negative or positive) and it governs how we react to other people (negative or positive).

Don’t wait around…this teleclass starts in about ONE week. And, I don’t know if Janice will ever hold another one.

Learn more and register here: http://www.focusonenergyleadership.com/teleclasses/emotional-intelligence-teleclass.html


Susan McCool
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